What stops you from being in
an ideal relationships?
An intense 1-month program with Shantam Nityama for women only

10th April - 10th May 2024
not a regular workshop!
Are you tired of repeating the same patterns in your relationships?

Feeling stuck and unsure how to break free?

Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation! This is a think tank, a safe container, where you'll uncover the root causes of your relationship challenges and gain practical tools to overcome them. We will be there together to learn, to support, and to change life!

Through four weekly group calls on Zoom, starting from April 10th to May 10th, Baba Fatise will guide you with profound insights and personalized analysis. From decoding compatibility to understanding energy dynamics, you'll receive tailored guidance to create the relationships you truly desire.

This a single time opportunity to work with Baba Fatise and the group is limited

these key issues
is a main reason for lots of women to feel unhappy in their relationships. If you feel like this is your story, take the chance to change it!
  • communication
    Have you ever felt unheard or misunderstood in your relationships?

    Do you long for deeper emotional connection and intimacy with your partner?
  • commitment
    Have you struggled with fears of commitment or uncertainty about the future of your relationship?

    Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or suffocated in your relationships?
  • conflicts
    Do you ever feel like you and your partner are on different paths or have conflicting priorities?

    Do arguments or disagreements often leave you feeling frustrated or disconnected from your partner?
"Most people have no spiritual referent for what a woman is. You are the power, do you know about it?"
a think tank
This program promises to uncover the truth of relationships and change your life story.

For the last 2 years, Nityama has been working closely with men, learning their side of the story. And now he's ready to bridge the gap between men and women.

NB!! It is not a workshop, where someone is teaching you how to live your life. This is a place of collective thinking, discussions, new understandings and insights, and a tremendous amount of support from other women.
for discovering the deepest truth about relationships and sex
4 group calls to bring out all of your questions and get clarity from nityama and support from others
books from Nityama's personal library to support your journey
**Private 1:1 sessions with Nityama to transform your life, using the healing power of the energy ** (promo)
Join the group to connect to your deepest truth as a woman
About the Master
A spiritual seeker and the most intriguing tantric healer of modern times, Baba Fatise (aka Shantam Nityama) is known as the creator of the energy healing system NITVANA Bodywork (TM). He had been running workshops in the USA, Europe, and Australia for a few decades, sharing his knowledge with men and women.

In 2017 he took a break from public life and focused entirely on his quest of understanding the energy on a more profound level. But he never stopped receiving requests from women asking him to help them connect to femininity, experience the full power of their sexuality, and find loving and respectful partners in life.

If you're interested about improving your love life... about understanding your sexuality... this group can accelerate you the fastest.

How It Works
group calls
This is a time to bring your story and get insights about it! Nityama will share his understanding of the energy and dynamics in the relationships and answer questions from the group.
We keep small size of the group, so everyone will be able to have time with Nityama during the call
You will get access to Nityama's personal library about sex, love, and relationships. It's well-curated selection of books to help you to go beyond the veil and understand your real power as a woman
Personal Session
For early birds, we have a very special promo, a 1:1 session with Nityama online! (conditions apply). You will be able to go deeper into your life story and receive energy work from Nityama to help you reconnect to your true nature
You will have a chance to connect with other women from all over the world, like your soul sisters, receive lots of love and support, find your best friend, and learn a lot of new things from each other.
we offer 2 great bonus for this workshop
Personal session
For everyone, who will join the workshop before 15th March 2024, Nityama will offer a personal session with the energy work.

The regular price for the session is 400$ and you will receive it for free as a bonus! Just jump in and pay for the workshop before the 15th of March and start your transformation right now

Gene Keys Reading
Unlock your life's purpose with Gene Keys Reading. Discover the blocks holding you back and awaken your unique gifts to serve the world. This transformational reading offers clarity, insight, and empowerment, guiding you toward fulfillment and joy.

For everyone, who will join the workshop and pay before 15th March 2024. The regular price for the reading is 200$ and you will receive it as a bonus!
Nityama is going to be fully focused on every one of you to make sure you will receive his time and energy to start your transformational journey. So we need to limit the number of participants and registration will be closed as soon as we reach the limit.

Please secure your spot before the spaces will be run out
bonus package (only before 15th march)
$1100 / person
  • BONUS 1 Personal 1:1 session with Nityama 3+ hours
  • BONUS 2 Gene Keys 1:1 reading 2 hours
  • 4 group calls, 4+ hours each
  • Recording of the calls
  • Access to the library
  • Access to community chat with Nityama
Join now!
$1100 / person
  • 4 group calls, 4+ hours each, 16 hours of work with Nityama
  • Recording of the calls, 16 hours of studying material
  • Access to the library of 20+ books
  • Access to community chat with Nityama
Join now!
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.